Useful Products
There are many reviews of puppy products. I thought I would offer my suggestions about what works for me. These are just my opinions. I get no fee for anything purchased.
Interceptor Plus is more expensive than Heartgard. I think it’s worth it. Interceptor prevents tapeworm infestation. Tapeworms are out there and puppies are prone to them –since they eat everything, foreign stool included.

Bravecto was the first tick product I used that actually kills the ticks. If I find a tick that has bitten a dog/pup, it is usually dead and can be pulled right out. I use the 12 week oral product.

Cleaning Products
Urine Cleaner-Upper
Puppies Pee. A lot.
I have a very sensitive nose and detest the smell of urine. I have tried a lot of products. Nature’s Miracle Urine Destroyer Plus is the one I like the best. It is moderately priced, the scent is not overpowering …and most importantly, the enzymes really work to eliminate the urine smell! It is available in 32 oz spray bottles and gallon refills. I buy it by the gallon when there are buy 2 get 1 free sales –because I know I am going to use it.

Disinfectant Cleaner
Of course, it isn’t just urine that puppies leave in their kennels. When there are solid messes, I need a good disinfectant cleaner. RESCUE available from Revival Animal Health by the gallon concentrate has no smell and no bad chemicals. At a 16-to-1 concentration, it is not expensive either.

GPS Pet Trackers
I don’t use trackers for my dogs …but I have thought about them for some young pups and maybe a couple of wandering adults to see where they go.
Kathy, who took Kea, got a pet tracker because when she was here and observing Kea as a pup. She could see that Kea was a natural wanderer. I didn’t have a name for Kea at the time, I just called her ‘runner’ because she was always running off.
Here is Kathy’s recommendation:
“This is the tracker we got for Kea. It’s awesome. Small enough that she doesn’t notice it on her collar. We drew a “safe zone” around our house and if she leaves the safe zone, we both get a notification. It also shows us on a map where she is so if she did ever get lost, we’d have an idea where to find her. But, it also helped when I broke my arm because Ken knew she was with me, and he was able to find us quickly.
“I know you don’t need them, but just in case any others ask you about tracking devices. It’s also handy because I have an apple phone and Ken has android. It works with both.”