Meg x Jack Pup (Sean)
Meg is gutsy, fast and determined. Her sire Martin Feeney’s Jack was a 2-time International Supreme Finalist, a strong stocky dog who worked a farm with 500 sheep every day.

Caolan Byrne’s Jack was another true working dog out of James McLaughlin’s famous Dan. Jack was 5th place on the Irish National Team member at just 3 years old. Tragically, Jack died working in Scotland earlier this year just after winning the All County Irish championship.

Sean feels like he is headed for good things on and off the field. He keeps right up with the older cogs. Don’t mess with Sean. He punches against his age and size with strong, blacksmith’s build. He’s smart with a calm nature. Very good in the kennel. Naturally obedient.
Too late in the year to put Sean on sheep. He is following the action of the adult dogs showing working style and focus. Sean feels like he will be a good working dog.

Two words come to mind for Sean: ‘tough’ and ‘resilient’. He reminds me of his sire.
Sean would be ideal for a working home. If he goes to a pet home, his humans are going to need to find substitute activity for him.