Dewi Jenkins’ Bob & Jock

Dewi Jenkins, from Aberystwyth, Wales, needs no introduction to competitive sheepdog enthusiasts and breeders. Dewi’s trained sheepdogs are the most sought after in the world, fetching record auction prices. They are first and foremost working dogs, doing the daily work of managing the family’s Welsh Mountain sheep and Welsh Black cattle farm …the best training for competition is real life situations.

I have personally bred with Clwyd Bob. The results were excellent. Out of 6 pups, I could easily have kept 5. The pups have a super disposition off the field, which is important to me. Bob comes with my personal RECOMMENDATION as a first class stud dog!!

Dewi said Bob ‘clicks‘ with almost every female to whom he is bred, producing offspring of that go for fantastic prices at auction and win at trial. Bob is arguably the best stud dog in the UK/Eire.



Frozen semen from Dewi’s two top dogs, is available here in the USA. Clwyd Bob and Jock are both Irish National Team members. Jock is the 2022 International Supreme winner, 2023 International Supreme Reserve Winner –a *very* impressive achievement.

Jock, Clwyd Bob, Dewi, Sara


Clwyd Bob

Bob Wisdom Panel DNA Testing Results [LINK]

Bob’s hips are 4 / 6.

The hip score is expressed as two numbers with a “/” in between. That gives the score for each hip. 4 / 6 means one hip was 4, the other was 6, giving a total of the median = 10 which is excellent, because it is important that the hips are not dissimilar in grade.


2022 International Champion and 2023 International Reserve Champion Jock

View Jock’s winning run at Shabfest 2023 and qualifying run and winning run at the 2022 international championships.

Jock Wisdom Panel DNA Testing Results [LINK]