8 Week-Old Pups Meet Sheep

Two male pups from the older litter, Nel x Clwyd Bob, in the photos below are going to be sticking around. They remind me of the old comic strip, “Mike and Ike (They Look Alike)”

Apart from looking alike, these two pups engaged with sheep at just 8 weeks and 3 days old. Today, I put them outside the fence to ‘observe’ while I worked the young dogs and to just get used to sheep. They decided they wanted a piece of the action and made it through the fence onto the pitch.

One of the pups simply ‘took charge‘. His first minutes on sheep are captured in the video below. A little guy who had just turned 8 weeks old with absolutely NO FEAR (even when a ewe tries to head butt him) is working the sheep himself. The adult in the pasture, Jazz, is staying back –she may have been flummoxed. I put this pup and his brother in a portable kennel afterwards because they both kept finding their way back onto the sheep pitch while was working the adults.

The pup in the video was quite pleased with himself when I took him outside the fence for his post performance review. Look at that big, self-satisfied smile on his face!

Indian Summer

Pups (and adults) are enjoying Indian summer in Vermont.

Meg and her 6-week-old female pup display a clear family resemblance.

Supporting Cast

Puppy in a Hurry
All Smiles
Puppy Conference


Jack’s New Home

Today, 22-Sept, Dean McAuleuy’s 9 mo.-old Jack went off to his forever home with Tanner. I could not have imagined a better match for Jack …or for Tanner. It was simply meant to be. Jack struck the jackpot with Tanner.

Jack was all smiles today, he knew something *very* good was happening.

Way to go Jack and Tanner!!

Shared Spaces

Sleeping Outside the Kennel Door

Eleven puppies from two litters, born 2 weeks apart in August, share the same space outdoors but have separate quarters inside. Everyone gets along …mostly.

The 7 month-old litter from January 2023 is growing up. Young Maeve is staying with us.

Talented Maeve

Meg x Jack = 5

Meg delivered 5 healthy pups overnight (13-Aug-2023) conceived via artificial insemination using frozen semen from Caolan Bryne’s Jack. At birth, the pups were big (one needing a tug by the head from me to get out), active, and looking madly for a teat.

The litter is: 4 females and 1 male. All beautifully marked.

Meg was outside running around 4 hours after the last pup was delivered like nothing had happened.

Since Nel is using the puppy room in the barn for her brood at the moment, Meg got upgraded to first class (in the house).


Update on Nel x Clwyd Bob Litter: The pups in this litter, two weeks ahead of Meg x Jack, have opened their eyes to a whole new world. And overnight one escaped the whelping box. They are growing up!

Just prior to their 3 week birthday I introduced Nel’s pups to real food, kibble soaked in lamb’s milk, since Nel started giving signals that she was overwhelmed with the healthy, growing pups.

Nel x Clwyd Bob = 7

Beautiful Nel gave birth to 7 live pups this morning, 30–July–2023. The sire is Dewi Jenkins’ Clwyd Bob. The mating was done using frozen semen via TCI (transcervical insemination), performed by Dr. Cynthia Pratt at Lemoille Valley Veterinary Services, near Stowe, Vermont.

Last Cold Day of Winter

Today, 19-March, is the last sub-freezing day of the winter season. From here on out daytime highs are above freezing. Despite the cold, the young McAuley pups who turned 8 weeks old today flew out the door in 20° f / – 7° c temps to play in the snow …and save me cleaning up the kennel. They have been *very* good as of late about taking care of business outside. I have split the pups up into pairs because all together they are way too raucous and rowdy for a small space.

Jimmy now weighs 7.5 kg / 17 lbs …at 9 weeks old. Off the scale for border collies: the average for a 9 week old is 9 lbs. Having the other younger pups to socialize with as well as the adults has been super for Jim, avoiding the typical behavioral problems of singleton puppies.

Jimmy (center) and two McAuley puppies enjoying a springtime ice cube
Glove Pull
The smallest and most determined puppy [Joy] came away with the prize. The lone male of the litter is on the right, the dominant female [Josie] is on the left rear with the split facial markings
The puppies saw sideways snow and sub-freezing temperatures outside the kennel door today.

March 10

Young McAuley Male [‘Blu’] – 6 weeks
He’s going to have piercing blue eyes, even as an adult
McAuley Female [Maeve] – 6 weeks
Jimmy – 8 weeks
Puppy Run – McAuley pups run from kennel out to play

March 3

March 3 2023

Jimmy at 7 weeks
Jimmy with a defunct soccer ball
Jimmy Shoveling Snow (or rather stopping me from doing so)
Josie at 5 weeks
Blu (blue eyes) at 5 weeks
Blu and Joy
Maeve at 5 weeks

Winter Puppies

22-January-2023: A litter of 4 pups (3 females / 1 male) was born by my bitch Meg via artificial insemination with frozen semen from Dean McAuley’s Joe. 2 of the 4 puppies will be available early summer.