Meg delivered 5 healthy pups overnight (13-Aug-2023) conceived via artificial insemination using frozen semen from Caolan Bryne’s Jack. At birth, the pups were big (one needing a tug by the head from me to get out), active, and looking madly for a teat.

The litter is: 4 females and 1 male. All beautifully marked.

Meg was outside running around 4 hours after the last pup was delivered like nothing had happened.

Since Nel is using the puppy room in the barn for her brood at the moment, Meg got upgraded to first class (in the house).


Update on Nel x Clwyd Bob Litter: The pups in this litter, two weeks ahead of Meg x Jack, have opened their eyes to a whole new world. And overnight one escaped the whelping box. They are growing up!

Just prior to their 3 week birthday I introduced Nel’s pups to real food, kibble soaked in lamb’s milk, since Nel started giving signals that she was overwhelmed with the healthy, growing pups.