The last of the very special ‘Three Witches’, Witch #3, Willow (né Jill), is off to her new home with Brian, Meg & son Myles on Cape Cod. Brian and Meg are devoted dog people who recently lost their exceptional border collie, Cooper. Willow is going to work to fill the big gap left by Cooper.

Brian and Willow

I say yes less and less easily to new homes. But Brian & Meg made it easy to say ‘YES’ for Willow. They are just what I want for one of my working collies.

Witch #1, Faye, stays on a while with me. Witch #2, Annie, is with Nicholas, in MA.

The Three Witches (l-r Annie, Willow (né Jill), Faye)
Brian, Meg, Myles and their adored border collie “Cooper”
Who could say anything by ‘YES!’ to a family like this???