This past weekend, I had breeding first: a returned puppy ...and thank the universe she was returned.
Sweet 5 month-old Jules came back to me after 2 weeks away in an unsuitable situation and a failed transition from life here on the farm. I put 40% of the blame on me for letting her go and 60% of the blame on her new owner for not protecting her and giving her a stable transition.

Working collies are highly intelligent and sensitive. Their breeding focuses on herding skills, so life inside the home can be a challenge.
I was not aware of the scope and scale of the household Jules was going to until the final minutes before her departure after papers and money had been exchanged. It was going to be a big transition, dependent up on her primary care taker to make it work.
The new owner was not up to the challenge to a working collie. Lesson learned for the next time(s) …take the re-homing process slow and get it right.
Happily, fate gave Jules a second chance. I’m so glad I got the call to take her back.
NICE TO HAVE YOU HOME JULES ! I’ll do better next time. Promise!