Llangwm Jess joins Andrew and Stephanie on their sheep farm in Pennsylvania today. Andrew & Steph drove all the way up thinking it was a different pup they would return home with, but the bond with 7 mo. old Jess was mutual and immediate.
Jess will be the only sheep dog on the farm …badly needed when Andrew’s old dog could no longer work.
My 11 year-old Llangwm Bryn, a dog I brought over from Wales as a pup, left us today. He was riddled with early onset arthritis (for the past 4 years). A fall a week ago resulted in an injury that made going on impossible. He could no longer walk and was in excruciating pain.
Bryn was the noblest and bravest of dogs. A perfect companion. Never any trouble. Always game. Smiling, smiling, smiling.
I will miss you my Bryn. Thank you for 11 years of happiness and delight.
Young Rain (né Bill) is off to his life on a working sheep farm here in Vermont.
Jett (brother of Nico and Rob) left today for his new life with Andrea and her family in New York State. Andrea is a passionate sporting events competitor with her 9 year-old dog Kody. Jett will train to be a future champion with Kody and Andrea.
9 week old Faye, my choice (her choice too) from the litter of Gail x Jimmy
Pups from the Gail x Jimmy litter and the Nel x Bran litter are now the same size, despite being 4 weeks apart, and can play together. In this video, playing with an empty maple sugar container.
The Rob Ellis Bran x James McCloskey Nel pups [2F/2M] are now 5 weeks old and getting itchy to explore. They have discovered the real “outside” and don’t want to be inside anymore.