Jess Off to Her New Home

Llangwm Jess joins Andrew and Stephanie on their sheep farm in Pennsylvania today. Andrew & Steph drove all the way up thinking it was a different pup they would return home with, but the bond with 7 mo. old Jess was mutual and immediate.

Jess will be the only sheep dog on the farm …badly needed when Andrew’s old dog could no longer work.

Thank You Bryn

My 11 year-old Llangwm Bryn, a dog I brought over from Wales as a pup, left us today. He was riddled with early onset arthritis (for the past 4 years). A fall a week ago resulted in an injury that made going on impossible. He could no longer walk and was in excruciating pain.

Bryn was the noblest and bravest of dogs. A perfect companion. Never any trouble. Always game. Smiling, smiling, smiling.

I will miss you my Bryn. Thank you for 11 years of happiness and delight.

Saturday before he left us, on my birthday, Bryn could no longer walk but was out with us enjoying the day, smiling as he watch the other dogs run and play. He was magnificent.

Rain Goes Home With Ed

Young Rain (né Bill) is off to his life on a working sheep farm here in Vermont.

Rain took to Ed strait away …gazing right into his eyes. Don’t often see that.

Jett Goes to New York

Jett (brother of Nico and Rob) left today for his new life with Andrea and her family in New York State. Andrea is a passionate sporting events competitor with her 9 year-old dog Kody. Jett will train to be a future champion with Kody and Andrea.

Puppies From Two Litters

Pups from the Gail x Jimmy litter and the Nel x Bran litter are now the same size, despite being 4 weeks apart, and can play together. In this video, playing with an empty maple sugar container.

5 Week Old Puppies

The Rob Ellis Bran x James McCloskey Nel pups [2F/2M] are now 5 weeks old and getting itchy to explore. They have discovered the real “outside” and don’t want to be inside anymore.