I planned to keep Maeve and breed her, because she is very good, but with new pups coming in and a rivalry with another female, I have decided to offer her to someone who wants a smooth stylish female who will thrive on her work and be glad to sit next to you on the sofa at night if you will let her.

Maeve is excellent out in public. I take her shopping with me in dog-friendly stores and let her off leash to walk with me in public places. She stays right with me, unperturbed by any commotion. She’s very solid.


Puppy Pics

A Happy Face
At the back door
On the patio


Maeve’s First Time on Sheep (Sept2023). A little aggressive but not bad

Meg x Joe Pups

This litter of 4 puppies was born to Martin Feeney’s Meg and Dean McAuley’s Joe on 22-January-2023 via frozen AI: 3 females, 1 male. 

At just 5 years-old, the sire, Joe, has been Irish nursery champion, twice Irish brace champion, three times singles team member, twice International Supreme finalist, and represented Ireland in the triennial sheepdog world championships in 2023. Joe is clear of all genetic diseases in the Orivet breed profile. More on his profile page.

Meg is the daughter of Martin Feeney’s acclaimed Jack (International Supreme finalist, multi-time Irish team member) and Phil McLaughlin’s Jill (another former Irish national team member). Meg is a strong bitch, quick with explosive power. She is an excellent listener, fun to work.