
For many people new to working dogs, online training is the best option. For those looking for online training courses and on-going support in their training programs, I recommend Julie Hill’s courses, ‘The Natural Way’. A former international champion, Julie is a now a full-time shepherd and trainer in Scotland.

Courses are £500 (~$625), a good value compared to in person training.

Click for Image Link

Julie also has training video and book for sale.

Click Image for Link

If you can make it to Scotland, this is what to expect.

Clwyd Bob – World’s Best Stud Dog

The results are in from the 2025 All Wales Nursery Finals.

  • Dewi Jenkins and Cass are Welsh champions.
  • 6 of the 10 Welsh Team nursery dogs are sired by Dewi’s Clwyd Bob
2025 All Wales Nursery Champions Dewi Jenkins and Cass
6 of 10 members of the Wales Nursery Team are offspring of Clwyd Bob
(L-R) Idris Thomas, Osian Willimams, Dylan Davis, Dewi Jenkins, Daniel Rees

Nico Thrives on the Farm

Young Nico was the runt of the Gail x Jimmy litter. He contracted a terrible gastrointestinal disorder, stopped gaining weight and was in excruciating pain …all the while being picked on by the bigger pups. He was a wisp of a thing who grew more vulnerable every day.

Somehow, Nico recovered enough with the aid of dewormers and metronidazole to stabilize him. But he needed to be away pronto to a place where he would get dedicated love and care. In stepped Lucy & Jim, empty-nester grandparents with a micro-dairy in Massachusetts. They were JUST what little Nico needed: love and care in abundance.

Nico at the barn door

Nico with his blue eyes and winsome nature has thrived at the Herb Hill Micro Dairy. He is a shining example of the wonders humans can work with dogs.

Nico is healthy and incredibly happy following the geese and chickens around. Lucy is going to begin his sheep herding training shortly …something I never thought he would be healthy enough to do. Lucy believed in Nico and her optimism was not misplaced.

Nico and his geese and chickens

Just look at that form! Nico looks so engaged in Lucy’s video. He’ll be full-on ready for sheep.

All the 2024 pups from Thundering Paws Farm placed so far are immensely fortunate to have found superb new homes.


Accidents Happen

Oops confirmed …week 3, and Sue’s gone off her food. A 7-mo-old male isn’t supposed to be able to do such things …I thought (incautiously).

So, $#it happens! Unintended line breeding. At least it is nice Jenkins-McCloskey lines + a shot of Hutchinson. I was hoping for / needed a break. Not going to happen. Termination can impact future fertility, so I deal with it.

Fluff to the Maine Coast

Stunning looking Fluff, by Caolan Byrne’s Jack out of Martin Feeney’s Meg, went to a new home on the Maine Coast (Blue Hill Bay) for Christmas. Fluff’s human companion is Tony is a retiree who still coaches football locally. He keeps in shape with the help of a series of border collies. Tony has had 3 rescue collies over the years and is indulging himself with a pup this time.

I turned down something over 20 people interested in Fluff before said yes to Tony. It has to be right, for all.

In an update from the trail, Tony reports Fluff is learning to ski with him, still on a lead until he can be sure of her recall, but what a happy life for Fluff! A person all her own to do things with. That’s what it is all about.

Venti in Boston

Not all my pups end up on working farms. A Christmas update from Julian on her Venti (Nel x Clwyd Bob):

Pups look so smart when they are washed up and groomed. Venti lives a dream life with Julian.

Willow (né Jill) to Brian

The last of the very special ‘Three Witches’, Witch #3, Willow (né Jill), is off to her new home with Brian, Meg & son Myles on Cape Cod. Brian and Meg are devoted dog people who recently lost their exceptional border collie, Cooper. Willow is going to work to fill the big gap left by Cooper.

Brian and Willow

I say yes less and less easily to new homes. But Brian & Meg made it easy to say ‘YES’ for Willow. They are just what I want for one of my working collies.

Witch #1, Faye, stays on a while with me. Witch #2, Annie, is with Nicholas, in MA.

The Three Witches (l-r Annie, Willow (né Jill), Faye)
Brian, Meg, Myles and their adored border collie “Cooper”
Who could say anything by ‘YES!’ to a family like this???

Skye’s New Beginnings

Bernadette Cochrane’s Skye from Ireland has a new home with Vangie and Dave in New Hampshire. Dave recently retired from life around the world, and Skye is going to keep him young and fit at his home in the White Mountains.

Skye let Vangie & Dave know from the moment they arrived that she was going home with them.