Cait for Adoption

A completely sweet pup named Cait born 14-Aug-2023 in a litter of pups by my Meg is available for adoption (without charge) by the right home.

Cait was born with a congenital heart defect called aortal stenosis, which in effect gives her high blood pressure for life. The aorta coming out of the heart has is constricted by an overly developed wall around the heart. Instead of having 120/80 blood pressure, she has 200/80.

A life with moderate exercise is recommended. Chasing dogs and sheep around the farm and taking long strenuous hikes would shorten Cait’s life expectancy.

The average dog with aortal stenosis lives 5-7 years. They usually die running after something. With care and moderation, Cait could be expected to be at the high end of that range and beyond, perhaps beyond 10 years.

Cait is on beta blockers, which regulate the heart, 2 tabs/day. 60 tablets (1 mo. supply) are about $10/mo.. Additionally, she should visit the cardiologist once a year.

This is an opportunity for someone to give a puppy a happy life, a life longer than she might otherwise expect …and to share her joy for life. Cait is an absolutely super puppy. A 4.5 on my 5 scale. Those kind of pups are rare. As I write this, Cait is out in the snow running around with her littermates in the sunshine, in puppy bliss. She loves life and I want her to have a good and long life.

If interested, please send an email to me. I would be happy to talk more about Cait on the phone as well and share her medical reports from the cardiologist.

References on Sub-Aortal Stenosis:,%2C%20and%20fainting%20(syncope).

Cardiologist’s Discussion of Cait’s Condition
(for review with interested new owners)