At Stud in Vermont
Stud services are available on-site from younger dogs and those still in training. All have excellent breeding and working ability.
Females are required to have a brucellosis test within 30 days of the mating.
For more information on dogs at stud, logistics and pricing, please see contact details.
Big, strong, solid with an imperturbable and deliberate temperament. Fine working dog and exceptional companion.

The best working dog I have bred. Son of Dewi Jenkins’ Clwyd Bob and James McCloskey’s Nel (by his famous Sweep).

Ormond Mirk
Sent to me as a pup from renowned competitor and trainer Dewi Jenkins, a son of his international champion, Jock. Famous competitor, multiple time international champion, and trainer, Julie Hill, was impressed, saying: “Your dog is a nice type. Very smart.” For me, Mirk is sheep dog perfection.